Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Ladies and Gentlemen: Welcome to the igotITtoo Blog!

An important and great event has taken place with the setting forth of the igotITtoo blog into the blogosphere. For those of you who thought this momentous moment would never happen we present to you…
The igotITtoo blog will be a guide to the happenings of the non-profit organization igotITtoo. So gentlemen and gentlewomen please, sit back, relax, enjoy and be inspired by what the igotITtoo organization is all about.

History, Vision, Mission and Accomplishments of igotITtoo.
“Through our scientific genius, we have made this world a neighborhood; now through our moral and spiritual development, we must make of it a brotherhood.” –The Rev. Martin Luther King Jr.
 The reality in most low income and underserved communities in Brooklyn, and across the country, is that there is a lack of equity when it comes to knowledge surrounding the world of information technology. Access to information technology is often not the issue. The issue is the knowledge of how to utilize this technology in a manner that is beneficial to improving one's life. igotITtoo is a volunteer non-profit organization, that has worked alongside the Lafayette Gardens, Atlantic Terminal and Saratoga Village Tenant's Associations in Brooklyn to come up with a strategy for crossing the “digital divide” by offering information and communication technology (ICT) courses in order to provide a greater understanding of the benefits of ICT for residents of these communities.

Since 2009 the hardworking, visionary and talented igotITtoo volunteers have introduced the young and the old alike (ages range from teenagers to octogenarians) to the computer, Internet, and the human impact of information technology. However, igotITtoo aims at more than just imparting information about computers; by providing a knowledge base for ICT resources, igotITtoo imagines the residents of Lafayette Garden's creatively transforming their world. Beyond access, the residents of Lafayette Gardens will begin to discover their already existing strengths and empower themselves through education, increased participation in community life, and sustained community networks. igotITtoo recognizes that access to, and knowledge of information and communication technology is essential to communities competing in the current economy that is controlled by digital information.

As we make our way in the 21st century information technology is rapidly and radically changing the social and economic tableau—the founders and volunteers of igotITtoo recognize that when the potent forces of electronic entertainment, computers and telecommunications join together in myriad ways, change is inevitable and constant. The challenge is to make these new technologies as democratic as possible. That is why we volunteer to help advance practical and hopefully, lasting information technology knowledge to motivated students in these communities that have been chronically underserved; and however modestly, in the IT epoch we hope to help these communities survive and thrive.

iGotITtoo has completed two semesters and in 2010 was awarded a plaque as a sign of appreciation from Lafayette Gardens "in honor of our dedicated and esteemed service" during the awards ceremony at Lafayette Gardens day.


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